I was the kid who hated stuffed animals. I also was the kid who wouldn't touch a graphic novel (or "comic book" with a ten foot pole). I only read big books. Now I am obsessed with character plush and graphic novels.
Yesterday, after noticing that she was very crabby, I asked Charlotte if she had stayed up late reading again. She admitted that she had stayed up reading both HILO books over again. I knew she had to help me review the second book in the HILO series, Saving the Whole Wide World. Charlotte's words are in blue and mine are in red. If you haven't read the first book, beware of spoilers.
So Charlotte, do you know how I found out about HILO?
Mr. Schu. He is my idol; I want to be just like him when I grow up.
I loved books before I met him and now I love them even more. Catch us up on what is happening at the beginning of the second HILO story.
The boy that found HILO, DJ reminds us he is good at nothing. The only part of HILO that is there is his big toe. Then a portal opens, and his head gets thrown through.
Do they still have to fight Razorwark?
HILO trapped Razorwark in a portal, but he is sending other monsters to Earth to weaken the portal.
Who is your favorite character?
Beamer, the robot that helps HILO and his gang.
My favorite character was Pollandra Pack Wallace Brimdale Korimako, a cat from the "furback clan" that gets comes to Earth from a portal and joins HILO's band.
What is the saddest part of the book?
Blah blah blah (Charlotte's answer was a major spoiler). Comment if you want me to tell you what she said.
The book ends on a cliffhanger and the 3rd book doesn't come out until February 2017!
Charlotte is ten years old and starting fifth grade in a month. She is a Nerdy Sister in training. She is an aspiring author and dentist. She spends her nights reading and her days playing video games and swimming. She attended her first Nerd Camp this summer and had the time of her life.
Picture credit: Melanie Golding