Thursday, July 14, 2016

Two Nerdy Sisters Go to Michigan: Our Nerd Camp Journey Part 1

Sara, Charlotte, and I left NC on Saturday, July 9th to start our 2 day drive to Nerd Camp. Excitement filled our blue Hyundai  Elantra. Sara and I were excited to see all of our Nerdy friends and our friend Melanie from Canada. We were also nervous about our first ever Nerd Camp presentation.

Charlotte's two main goals for attending Nerd Camp were to meet Raina Telgemeier and Mr. Schu. We were so excited that the 10 hour drive seemed to take forever. I told Charlotte that I wish we could teleport to Nerd Camp. Of course she has never seen Star Trek so she did not understand the reference. 

Monday finally arrived. We arrived at Nerd Camp before 8 so we could get our Nerd Camp swag and hangout prior to the opening session.

After getting our swag we took some pictures with @cardboardschu. 

This is our friend Melanie who drove all the way from Alberta, Canada for her first Nerd Camp. 

At 9:00 Sara and Charly left for the Nerd Run leaving Melanie and I to hang out with awesome authors: Jess Keating, Debbie Ohi, and Ruth Spiro. 

We headed in for the opening session and Charlotte got really excited because she saw Raina sitting on the front row. I had to make her go but we went to speak with Raina.

I look super preggo in these. 

Soon it was time for the opening Nerd talks to begin.  We heard from 5 wonderful speakers. All of their talks were inspiring and made me cry.

Kathy Barnette

Teri Lesesne

Raina Telgemeier

Pernille Ripp

Donalyn Miller

Everyone was super excited to see Kate DiCamillo at Nerd Camp. It was an awesome surprise. 

Due to the high volume of pictures this is part one. Look for part 2 on Monday. 


  1. It was great seeing you again and meeting Charlotte! We need more time next year!

  2. Thanks Kathy! It all flies by so fast!


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