Sunday, January 1, 2017

My Hopes for George's Reading Life

Our writing on this blog has taken a bit of a plunge since my son was born back in October. It is hard to find the time to read or write with a newborn taking up your time. Sara and I are going to go back to writing our normal stuff soon. In the mean time I would like to share my hopes for George's life with books.

George has already shown a love for stories and books. When I was pregnant with him he would often sleep while I was working because I moved around a lot. The exception was anytime I read to one of my classes. He would wake up and move around which to me meant he was happy to hear a story. I read to him frequently now that he is here. He still enjoys books and stories.

My hope is that he continues to love books even though the odds are against him. We live in a society where too much emphasis is placed on a child's ability to read. Students are labeled based on their reading level and their choices are often limited based on that. They can't simply read what they want to read. There is also a push for boys to be good at sports. Boys who are good readers are often picked on and called nerds because they love books. George also has the possibility of having ADHD which makes reading difficult. I want my son to love books so I have to be proactive as his mommy.

I have to make sure that he understands that no matter what anyone says that it is okay to love books. It is okay for him to read or try to read anything that he wants to. I want him to know that his reading level is just a number or letter and that we can and will read anything he wants to. I will emphasize to him the importance of books and that reading makes you smarter and builds your vocabulary. If he happens to have ADHD I will do what I need to to help him focus. I will make sure that he has high interest books that are not too long so he can read and finish them.

To help him continue his love for stories and books I promise to read to him every day. Picture books or chapter books or holiday books not on the actual holiday. I will read whatever he wants to read because I know that reading makes you smarter. There is also the joy and imagination that comes with reading a book. Ultimately, I want him to be a Nerdy Book Club member like his mommy and Aunty Sara.

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