Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Early Chapter Books: The Infamous Ratsos

In July I had the opportunity to spend two weeks with Donalyn Miller and Mr. Schu. Two Nerdy Sisters saw them at Nerd Camp. Then we attended the Scholastic Reading Summit the next week in Concord, NC. As usual Mr. Schu gave away books at his session. I did not win a book during the session. Mr. Schu (the Oprah of books) decided to give me a copy of The Infamous Ratsos at the end of the session. 

The Infamous Ratsos is the story of two rat brothers who are trying to be tough. Every time they make a plan to show people how tough and mean they are it back fires. They end up being nice and helping others. The Ratsos family learns an important lesson at the end. 

I really enjoyed this book. I think that kids are often pressured to be something they are not. This book tells them that it is okay to be themselves and not fit into a preconceived mold. I really appreciate authors like Kara Lareau. Authors who write early chapter books are very important to my students. One of trends at my school is a desire to read chapter books. Some of my students in1st and 2nd grade are not able to read long chapter books. I recommend short chapter books to them and they love them. Thank you Kara Lareau for writing for my younger students. I can't wait for another adventure with the Ratsos. 

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